00966 12 6522996
00966 12 6522996
King Abdullah Cross Alamdina Road-Sultan Center-office 202 -204

Benefits of a Smart Parking Management System.

Automatically record every incoming and outgoing call (with any filter you wish) on a line/location with no need for any intervention.

No training is needed to record calls or to play them back on our simple app.

Record only when you need to, via conference or with a special key on your IP phone.

Lets you record calls from different locations using your PIN (Free Seating) and even calls received on mobile phones

Automatically save and index your encrypted recordings on the local server or on an external NAS (crypted).

Alpha Call Recording is new solution for centralized call recording for all PBX platforms

Alpha Call Recording

we are proud to partner with Trillium company, to offer Alpha call recording software that dedicated to any company that needs to record calls either for critical services with legal requirements, for operator training or just to keep track of important calls.
Alpha Call Recording is new solution for centralized call recording for all PBX platforms. It’s easy to use, reliable, flexible and at the right price, dedicated to any company that needs to record calls either for critical services with legal requirements, for operator training or just to keep track of important calls.
Alpha call recording offers two recording modes:

  1. Always On, where every single call is automatically recorded with no user intervention.
  2. On Demand, for only those conversations that need to be recorded.

Why It soft?

We're making room for self care today with plan.

It was an important call but you didn’t start the recording on cue?

With the Live Keep feature on active calls, you can start recording at any time. Alpha Call Recording Software will record your calls from the very beginning, without losing a second.


Always On


Easy to use.

In your office or on the go.

Automatic archiving.

Made for all PBX.

Unlimited support

We provide the best technical support service all the time .
Alpha Call Recording ~

Record calls securely and reliably, no matter where the agent is.

Core Features Of Call Recording Software
Main Feature Alpha Call Recording Software Suite
This product is included in the ALPHA Application suite with all the other apps of the suite, available as a setup package for installation on any virtual machine/physical server
Up to 180 channels per instance (actual or virtual). Multiple instances supported.
Manual or automatic from CuCM via AXL or Microsoft AD, LDAP/OpenLDAP systems and CSV files .
Active Hot Standby, either on the same DC or different DC (Disaster Recovery).
High Availability
Via e-mail and SNMP.
System alarms
Always-on recording without any user intervention.